Fellow, Melissa Reitz, in partnership with CCC, organized and designed a fieldtrip to the nearby Cowiche canyon. Students collected water quality data in Cowiche Creek and using thise data and water samples collected by Mel from several areas along Cowiche Creek students provided CCC with written reports of their findings.
During their field day, students collected data at 4 sites along a small section of Cowiche Creek.
WATERS fellow Jamie helped students sample for macroinvertebrates along a faster moving section of stream, known as a run. At first we didn't find anything and then....
Melissa helped students sample for macroinvertebrates along a riffle portion of the stream, where water is shallow and slower moving.
WATERS fellow Sara helped students conduct and interpret the phosphate test using a small streamside test kit.
WATERS fellow Tiffany helped students measure stream flow. Students also collected the water temperature at each sampling location.
We hope that this will become an opportunity for long standing partnership! For more information about the Cowiche Canyon Conservancy visit http://www.cowichecanyon.org.
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